and Expertise

High-impact tutoring research
We invented high-impact tutoring as a core component of a school day, so that students can go deeper, teachers can move faster, and families can dream bigger. Several rigorous high-impact tutoring research evaluations found that students who received individualized math tutoring through Saga scored higher on exams, earned better grades, and were more likely to pass high school classes.
Saga meets national Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence-based standards and is approved for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or other Federal (Title) funds.
The Impact of Virtual High Dosage Tutoring in New Mexico
Since 2022, NMPED has been working with Saga Education and the Personalized Learning Initiative to stand up virtually delivered high dosage tutoring for middle school math across the state and study its impacts on student learning. This brief summarizes the findings for school year 2023-24.
Can Technology Facilitate Scale? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of High Dosage Tutoring
Research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research and conducted by the University of Chicago reaffirms the impact of in-person tutoring on student learning. In a study of over 4,000 students, a high-dosage tutoring model alternating between in-person sessions and computer-assisted learning (CAL) showed substantial gains in math scores.
Human-tutor Coaching Technology (HTCT): Automated Discourse Analytics in a Coached Tutoring Model
This research paper discusses a new technology called human-tutor coaching technology (HTCT). HTCT looks at recordings of tutoring sessions and shows the information in a way that helps coaches give detailed advice to tutors. Researchers worked with Saga Education to test HTCT with coaches tutoring high school math in low-income areas.
Realizing the Promise of High Dosage Tutoring at Scale: Preliminary Evidence for the Field
This technical report from the University of Chicago Education Lab and MDRC outlines preliminary results from the Personalized Learning Initiative showing that high dosage tutoring can be scaled and can work – even when delivered in the aftermath of the pandemic and in diverse academic settings.
New Research Shows High Dosage Tutoring is Highly Effective
The Education Lab conducted a study that demonstrates individualized, intensive (or “high-dosage”) tutoring can double or triple the amount of math high school students learn each year, increase student grades, and reduce math and non-math course failures.
The Impressive Effects of Tutoring: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Tutoring—defined here as one-on-one or small-group instructional programming by teachers, paraprofessionals, volunteers, or parents—is one of the most versatile and potentially transformative educational tools in use today. Within the past decade, dozens of preK-12 tutoring experiments have been conducted, varying widely in their approach, context, and cost. Our study represents the first systematic review and meta-analysis of these and earlier studies. We develop a framework for considering different types of programs to not only examine overall effects, but also explore how these effects vary by program characteristics and intervention context. We find that tutoring programs yield consistent and substantial positive impacts on learning outcomes, with an overall pooled effect size estimate of 0.37 SD. The following working paper was developed by researchers at the Adul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab North America, based out of MIT. Saga Education is one of the primary organizations highlighted throughout the report.