Category: Program Design

High-Impact tutoring, facilitated during class time by trained tutors, can help teachers manage individual learners’ needs–whether it be for remediation or acceleration.

With the learning loss after COVID-19 and mounting staffing shortages, principals must examine how they can promote productive learning, close opportunity gaps, and increase student achievement without overburdening classroom teachers.

High-impact tutoring is a proven method to increase student achievement by addressing learning loss and accelerating learning. Numerous studies have

High-impact tutoring is a widely-proven method to address learning loss and accelerate learning. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of high-impact tutoring and its direct benefits to students and school districts.

We are developing a number of tools to help ensure that districts can implement high-impact tutoring programs with fidelity, and key to these resources is the use of AI.

Measures to secure resources and tools to close opportunity gaps for students include expanding the teacher pipeline and finding creative ways to engage college students in the educational process.