Category: Program Design

High-impact tutoring combines academics with emotional support. Building strong tutor-student relationships is key. By focusing on social and emotional learning (SEL), tutors can help students develop skills like self-awareness, empathy, and problem-solving. This approach boosts confidence, motivation, and overall academic success.

As public schools navigate the aftermath of the pandemic, a concerning trend has emerged: a dramatic increase in student absenteeism, particularly among Latino, suburban, and rural communities. This poses a significant challenge to both educators and parents who are committed to student success.

Struggling to implement high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs in your school? Worried about funding your tutoring initiatives after ESSER funds run out? This free webinar addresses your biggest concerns and provides practical solutions to improve your tutoring programs.

In the latest white paper, Accelerate Learning Now, Saga proposes several alternative strategies to help students catch up on their learning. Learn to identify additional funding resources, prospective partners, and other tactics to help your students.

An effective high-impact tutoring curriculum is crucial for student success as it offers comprehensive support to tutors. When tutors are well-prepared, students reap the benefits.

In mid-February, the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, endorsed in-school-day high-impact tutoring. Here’s the heart of what they said:  “The research is clear: high-impact tutoring improves student learning.