Category: Program Design

High-impact tutoring offers a transformative solution for Boston's education challenges, with proven methods that can dramatically improve student learning. Despite being the birthplace of this intervention, Boston Public Schools currently serves only 350 students, missing an opportunity to close pandemic-related learning gaps using a cost-effective, research-backed approach that could benefit all 50,000 students.

Saga is Changing the Equation by changing the game! Our latest game is guaranteed to shake things up. Equivicards is an exciting and dynamic card game that takes the traditional matching concept and adds a mathematical twist (using variables and expressions) to outsmart your opponents.

High-impact tutoring is a proven solution for learning loss and addressing educational gaps in underserved schools. Students and school districts alike benefit from implementing high-impact tutoring in the classroom.

The Personalized Learning Initiative (PLI) from the University of Chicago reveals how structured, high-dosage tutoring can close learning gaps, especially for underserved students. Partnering with PLI, Saga Education supports evidence-based tutoring models that improve academic outcomes. Key strategies include strategic scheduling, stakeholder buy-in, and tracking attendance—ensuring students benefit from consistent tutoring. Through Saga Consult, schools can scale these impactful programs tailored to their needs.

High-impact tutoring, as defined by Saga Education, is a data-driven, evidence-based approach that involves trained tutors providing personalized, small-group sessions during school hours. This method is designed to supplement classroom instruction, helping students close educational gaps, boost academic performance, and develop confidence. The blog highlights the importance of consistent tutor-student relationships, ongoing tutor training, and coordination with educators to ensure impactful outcomes, particularly for students facing significant academic challenges.

"Conversation Starters" is a new academic blog series that equips educators with powerful tools and resources for high-impact tutoring. This series helps educators to build resilient relationships with their students, enhance student motivation, and boost learning engagement. Discover how to creatively structure conversations with your students to foster communication skills, nurture connections, and promote self-awareness.