Saga Partners with Indeed to Boost Tutor Career Growth

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the need for well-prepared, passionate educators has never been greater. Recognizing this urgency, Saga has always been at the forefront of addressing educational inequities through high-impact tutoring. But beyond boosting student success in the classroom, Saga is also committed to investing in the professional development of its tutors. This commitment has led to a new partnership with Indeed’s Job Search Academy, aimed at equipping Saga tutors with the career development tools they need to transition seamlessly into the education field or other professional avenues.

Tyana Anglin, Saga’s Director of Alumni Engagement and Strategic Partnerships, has been a driving force behind this initiative. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by tutors as they consider their next career steps, Tyana saw the potential for this partnership to be a game-changer. “We want to help as many students as possible, not just by raising their math scores but by exposing them to opportunities they hadn’t considered before,” Tyana explains. “The same applies to our tutors. Many of them come in simply wanting to serve, not necessarily with a clear vision of their future career path. Our goal is to help them discover and prepare for a career in education or any other field they may choose.”

Building the Bridge from Tutoring to Teaching

One of the most exciting aspects of the partnership with Indeed’s Job Search Academy is the focus on career readiness, particularly for those tutors who may be considering a future in education. According to Tyana, many of the resumes she reviews from tutors are lacking in key areas that would make them stand out in a competitive job market. “The biggest challenge is not knowing how to communicate their value on paper,” she notes. “They’re great at listing what they do—tutoring students, teaching curriculum—but they often struggle to connect these experiences to broader career goals.”

Indeed’s Job Search Academy is designed to address this very issue. The program offers a range of resources, including resume writing workshops, interviewing skill development, and access to career strategists. Saga tutors will have the opportunity to participate in these workshops and receive one-on-one guidance, ensuring that their resumes and professional profiles accurately reflect their skills and potential. “By the time they complete the program, they’ll be internship-ready and well-prepared to apply for jobs,” Tyana adds.

A Pathway to Career Growth

The partnership with Indeed is particularly significant for Saga’s LevelUp Summer Internship Program. This program, which Tyana oversees, is a vital component of Saga’s strategy to expand the teaching pipeline. Tutors who participate in the program will be required to complete Indeed’s Internship Search Academy as part of their preparation. This comprehensive program includes five videos on internship searching and LinkedIn profile building, followed by workshops and personalized resume reviews. Only those who successfully complete the program will be eligible to apply for Saga’s internships, a process that Tyana believes will not only prepare them for the application process but also for future career opportunities.

But the benefits of the program extend beyond those who secure an internship with Saga. “Even if they don’t end up with an internship at Saga, they’ll leave with a vetted resume and LinkedIn profile, along with valuable tips from Indeed,” Tyana explains. “They’ll be better equipped to apply for other opportunities, both within and outside of education.”

Changing the Equation

The partnership with Indeed is not just about career development; it’s also about advancing Saga’s broader mission. As Tyana points out, “Our mission at Saga is to help as many students as possible by raising their math scores. But it’s also about more than just academics. We’re exposing students to opportunities in math and helping them see career possibilities they might not have considered before. The same goes for our tutors.”

Indeed, many tutors join Saga without any intention of pursuing a career in education. However, through their work with students and exposure to the challenges and rewards of teaching, they often develop a passion for the field. Tyana sees this as an opportunity to build the teaching pipeline, particularly in a time when the U.S. is facing a significant shortage of educators. “We’re seeing more of our tutors want to go into education, whether as teachers, advocates, or in other roles,” she says. “This partnership helps them prepare for those roles, and it also helps Saga fulfill its mission of changing the equation—not just for students, but for the entire educational ecosystem.”

Aligning with Saga’s Mission

Tyana is particularly excited about how this partnership with Indeed demonstrates Saga’s commitment to investing in its people. “We’re showing that we genuinely care about our tutors and their future careers,” she emphasizes. “This isn’t just about high-impact tutoring; it’s about changing the equation in education. We’re investing in K-12 education, in our tutors, in our curriculum, and in advocacy. We’re setting an example for other organizations on how to invest in their talent and, in doing so, we’re changing the way people think about education and who can become a teacher.”

For Tyana, the partnership with Indeed is a natural extension of Saga’s mission and values. It’s about more than just preparing tutors for their next job; it’s about empowering them to make a lasting impact in whatever field they choose. “We’re helping our tutors see how to invest in themselves so they can continue to grow professionally, even after their time with Saga,” she says. “That’s what makes this partnership so exciting—it’s not just about the here and now; it’s about setting them up for long-term success.”

As Saga continues to expand its impact, partnerships like the one with Indeed’s Job Search Academy will be crucial in ensuring that the next generation of educators—and professionals in all fields—are well-prepared, confident, and ready to make a difference. Through this collaboration, Saga is not only changing the equation in education but also setting a new standard for how organizations can support their people and their mission.

Saga’s partnership with Indeed’s Job Search Academy in preparing tutors for their future careers, aligning with Saga’s mission to create lasting change in education. By investing in its tutors, Saga is not only building the teaching pipeline but also empowering its tutors to explore new career opportunities, ultimately contributing to a stronger, more diverse educational landscape.

The future of education is bright with opportunities like these, and Saga is leading the way in making a lasting impact.

Partner with Saga