Saga is excited to announce the launch of our Executive in Residence program (EIR) which will allow Saga to work with seasoned leaders and leverage their experience and expertise as part of a part-time, short-term role. These leaders will help Saga achieve the growth goals we set out to accomplish at the end of last year focused on:
Direct Impact: Growing the services Saga provides directly to students in program cities.
Widespread Impact: Create impact beyond the “walls” of Saga by leveraging technology and relationships.
Systemic Impact: Acting as a catalyst for districts and schools to change the way they staff and budget, to provide personalized attention and support for students within their school days.
We are excited to welcome and learn from our first two Executives in Residence:
Dr. Karl Reid, Executive in Residence for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Karl has been a member of Saga’s National Governing Board since 2016, when he was serving as the Executive Director of the National Society of Black Engineers. For two decades, he has been a leading national advocate for increasing college access and opportunity for low income and minority youth. He has previously been a leader of the United Negro College Fund, and in successive leadrship roles at his alma mater, MIT. Starting this spring, he will begin a new position at Northeastern University in Boston as Senior Vice Provost and founding Chief Inclusion Officer.
As one of Saga’s first EIR through December 31, 2021, Dr. Reid will lead efforts to create a strategic vision for DEIB work at Saga. He will review what Saga has done to date and will recommend a two-year vision for what Saga can and should do.
Leslie Wade, Executive in Residence for Organizational Effectiveness
Leslie has led teams and organizations through growth and complex change for over fifteen years. During her eight-years at KIPP New Jersey, Leslie served in two strategic roles, supporting the organization in its growth from three to eleven schools, including playing a key role in the launch of its management organization. She also led efforts to streamline business processes; strengthen risk management and compliance efforts; and support rigorous board governance and oversight. In 2017, she launched her consulting practice to impact organizations in the areas of Human Capital, Strategy, and Growth.
During her six-month post with Saga, Leslie will be focused on the strategy development, organizational design, and operational and leadership practices needed to enable Saga’s growth to meet and exceed its goals and objectives.