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Artificial Intelligence Can Empower Educators – Q&A with Dr. Scott Muri

July 26, 2024

How can schools leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve education? Educators have a chance to guide the development of AI for learning, ensuring its ethical and effective use. AI can empower teachers by handling routine tasks, allowing them to focus on personalized instruction. Students can benefit from AI-powered tutoring that tailors learning to their needs and improves outcomes. However, successful AI integration requires careful planning. Schools need clear policies, trained educators, and secure technology. Overcoming teacher skepticism is crucial. Showcasing successful AI use cases and transparently discussing challenges can win educators over. Ultimately, schools shouldn’t miss this opportunity to use AI for the benefit of their students. (298 characters)

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The Importance of Equity and Community in Thoughtful Innovation and Evaluation

July 7, 2024

AJ is a passionate advocate for education equity attends a conference and argues for increased research funding. When challenged by panelists who emphasize experience over research, he realizes the importance of including the community in research design to rebuild trust, especially for Black communities historically harmed by unethical studies. This op-ed highlights the need for both innovation and community-centered research to achieve equitable educational solutions.

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Building an Educational Village: The Power of High-Impact Tutoring

June 24, 2024

For ten years, Saga Education has been at the forefront of a movement shattering the one-size-fits-all mold in education. We believe every student deserves personalized attention, and every teacher, a supportive village. That’s why we champion high-impact tutoring, a transformative approach that empowers educators and unlocks student potential. As we celebrate a decade of impact, let’s explore the power of this model and how it can revolutionize your classroom.

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New Insights on Tutoring Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

June 13, 2024

Tutoring is effective for academic improvement, but more research is needed to identify the best approaches. Accelerate’s research report re-examined 89 studies on tutoring in K-12 schools to evaluate different approaches’ impact on student achievement. Schools need cost-effective interventions as federal funding ends, and Accelerate’s measure of cost-effectiveness can help determine ROI. Less than a quarter of the studies met evidence standards, but Saga Education’s tutoring showed significant additional learning. Grade level and dosage of tutoring affect effectiveness, with Saga Education’s approach delivering the most learning and empowering districts to implement high-impact tutoring in their own context. Accelerate’s analysis and cost-effectiveness measure are valuable for states and school districts, however more large-scale studies are needed to scale efficient and effective tutoring programs.

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High-Dosage Tutoring Gets a Tech Boost

June 3, 2024

Struggling to bridge the learning gap? High-dosage tutoring offers a powerful solution, but traditional programs can be expensive and strain staffing resources. This article explores a groundbreaking new approach from Saga Education that combines the effectiveness of tutors with the affordability of educational technology. Discover how this innovative blended model can help your district achieve significant learning gains for students, all at a fraction of the cost.

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Evidence for ESSA Recognizes Saga High-Impact Math Tutoring with a “Strong” Evidence Rating

May 22, 2024

Saga Education, a nonprofit focused on education technology (edtech), received a “strong” evidence rating from Evidence for ESSA for their high-impact tutoring (HIT) program in grades 9-10 math. This rating signifies that the program has been rigorously evaluated and shows significant effectiveness in improving student learning outcomes. Saga’s HIT program supplements existing math classes by providing additional support during the school day in flexible tutoring models. They are also exploring how technology can further enhance their program’s reach and effectiveness.