Last week, Saga Education co-hosted a webinar about the importance of high-dosage tutoring for policy makers on Capitol Hill. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), and Assistant Secretary Roberto Rodriguez joined the “Addressing Interrupted Learning Through Evidence-Based Tutoring” webinar, and added their support and insight to highlight the efficacy of high-dosage tutoring. Listen to Senator Duckworth’s opening remarks:
Data and Impact
Researchers at the University of Chicago Education Lab shared preliminary, unpublished data demonstrating the efficacy of high dosage, in-school day tutoring. Webinar attendees received critical information about the impact of highly effective tutoring, the high per dollar return on federal and state investments in tutoring, and how tutoring helps students get back on track and recover interrupted learning. In addition, researchers at JPAL North America, based out of MIT, shared findings of a meta analysis of 96 randomized control research studies, which suggest that in-school tutoring is a highly effective model to support youth and that early literacy and high school math are critical growth years where they see the strongest outcomes and return on investment.
Policymakers also received strategies to consider and evaluate investments in evidence-based programs and received access to preliminary results from the most recent study of a new tech-hybrid, high-dosage tutoring model which has been widely employed to help students continue learning safely during the pandemic.
High-Dosage Tutoring During the Pandemic
Saga Education was also highlighted in a keynote speech by John King, former U.S. Secretary of Education and former CEO of the Education Trust, highlighted King provided remarks about the importance of high-dosage tutoring to accelerate learning and support students during the pandemic.
Statewide Partnership in New Mexico
Earlier this year, New Mexico selected Saga Education for a statewide partnership with the New Mexico Public Education Department to implement high-dosage math tutoring for middle and high school students.
Through this partnership, Saga Education will help launch math tutoring programs in schools across the state and support districts and schools in the internal process of launching high-dosage math tutoring programs. Schools and districts will be able to use Saga’s guidelines and strategies to source and hire effective tutors.
Additionally, Saga will help schools build out their schedule, identify students that should be receiving tutoring, and identify the number of tutors to hire for the students receiving the tutoring services.