Looking Back at my Saga Service Year

By Lindsay Lopez

As the school year comes to a close, it’s a great time to sit back, add up all the memories created and sum up the year. Who doesn’t love a good math pun, am I right? I am excited to write this post but also saddened about the idea that it’s time to say goodbye to my students, fellows and the staff at Saga Education.

I wanted to take one last chance to thank all of my students and colleagues for the outstanding impact you all have had on me. My experience as a Saga Fellow is one of the things that inspired me to get a Master’s degree in Education. Working with my students has reignited my passion for education, and I am excited to continue my journey as an educator and student. Although I will not be working with Saga next year, I hope to come back and work for this organization again after I complete my Master’s degree.

It is difficult for me to think of what to write this time because I have so many memories to reflect on from this year. If I tried to list them all, this post would be 15 pages long. Most of all I will miss connecting with my students and team members. To my Learning Coordinator and Site Director in Broward County, Timothy Klohr and Zylia Knowlin, you two truly represent what great leaders look like. Thank you for all the professional growth you have provided to our team. To the other fellows on the team, getting to know you all and collaborating every day to give the best education for our students is something I am going to miss.

While I would love to give a shout-out to each of my students, here are a few of my favorite memories throughout the year:

  • Prince –  Thank you for always making me laugh with your funny jokes and drawings of pigs.
  • Bryanna and Taylor – The way you both would say “Hellooooo Mrs. Lopez” every day always brought a huge smile to my face.
  • Melissa, Kanyra, and Khristian – I am so proud of you all for always trying your best and admitting when you need help. It takes a lot of courage to admit when you are struggling.
  • Lucas – Your note-taking and research skills are exquisite! These skills will make you very successful in your future.
  • Sabrina – I am so proud of how far you have come this year. Your English has improved dramatically along with your reading, writing and math skills. Thank you for challenging my math and Spanish skills and making me a better bilingual speaker!
  • Kimora and Josh – Learning about your future career goals was a pleasure. Kimora you are going to make a great lawyer, and Josh you are going to become a successful private investor!
  • Allyssia – You are truly a wonderful student to work with. I was amazed at how intelligent you are, how hard you work, and your communications skills are superb. I was so blessed to have you join our pod this year.
  • Faris and Lea – Hearing about your athletic accomplishments was also so exciting. While my students have a passion for learning, it warms my heart to know they have passions outside the classroom as well.

Getting to know you all and seeing your math skills increase was such a pleasure.

This is not a goodbye to Saga, but a “see you later”. I am excited to come back once I finish school because I believe in the mission and have seen firsthand Saga Education’s impact.

Lindsay Lopez (she/her, they/them) is a Saga Fellow, serving students online in Broward County, FL.