Small Group Tutoring

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Tutoring Programs Co-Designed by Saga Education Reveal Promising Success

March 27, 2024

Key Takeaways: Tutoring Works: In-school, high-impact tutoring delivered significant learning gains, with math improvements equivalent to regaining two-thirds of a year lost during the pandemic. Coaching for Tutors: Delivery Matters: Out-of-school tutoring programs saw lower participation rates than in-school options. Benefits of AI Coaching:  AI coaching can provide coaches with target feedback for tutors to…

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Small Group Tutoring: Addressing Learning Loss & Educational Gaps

May 17, 2023

The blog post discusses how small-group, high-impact tutoring can effectively address learning loss and close educational gaps, particularly in underfunded schools. It highlights the benefits of personalized, consistent support within the school day, helping students improve academically, build confidence, and achieve success. The approach meets national education standards and has been proven to yield significant results, such as increased attendance, better grades, and reduced failure rates.